
2017 Benefits

NALC Health Benefit Plan - Pushing the Envelope of Quality Healthcare.

Choosing the proper health insurance plan is a huge decision for most individuals and families. Finding the right combination of affordable cost and comprehensive coverage can be a daunting task. We invite you to consider the 2017 NALC Health Benefit Plan High Option.

2017 NALC Health Benefit Plan brochure


Medicare Benefits-At-A-Glance

2017 Booklet (High Option)

2017 Booklet (CDHP and Value Option)

2017 Rx Booklet (High Options)

2017 Rx Booklet (CDHP and Value Option)

2017 NALC HBP Specialty Drug List

2017 High Option Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)

2017 CDHP Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)
2017 Value Option Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)